1. General information


The protection of your personal data is important to AdoraDeko, so we pay special attention to the protection of the privacy of Visitors who access the website, as well as those whose personal data has been provided to us by a third party or to which we had access from another source, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.

In this regard, carefully read the terms of the following Privacy Policy regarding the protection and processing of personal data, in order to understand how your information will be treated.

This Policy is an information note and explains Adoradeko's online practices, with respect to the application of the provisions of the GDPR, as well as the rights that you enjoy with respect to how your information is used through the Adoradeko Site.

The processing of personal data carried out by Adoradeko will always be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR, as well as with the regulations on the protection of personal data specific to each country in which Adoradeko operates.

Through this Personal Data Protection Policy, Adoradeko wishes to inform Visitors about the nature of the personal data it collects, uses and processes, as well as the purposes of the processing. In addition, website visitors are informed through this Policy and about the rights they benefit from.

We note that, in relation to Adoradeko, this Policy is valid and applies both in relation to the Website and in relation to the social media pages associated with our brand and name, including, without limitation, Instagram (https://, Facebook (

As a result of visiting our Site, obtaining products or interacting with Adoradeko through any method or means of communication, such as email, telephone or social networks, each interested party confirms that they agree with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree and do not wish to accept the information, situations and/or conditions described in the Policy, please leave the Site and do not access the products provided.
  1. Definitions

Within this Privacy Policy, unless expressly provided otherwise, the phrases mentioned below will have the following meanings: Within this Privacy Policy, unless expressly provided otherwise, the phrases mentioned below will have the following meanings:


represents any manifestation of the free, specific, informed and unequivocal will of the interested party, by which he accepts, by means of a declaration or an unequivocal action, that the personal data concerning him be processed

Personal information

is any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more specific elements, specific to your physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity


represents the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, establishes the purposes and means of the processing of personal data

Target person

represents any identified or identifiable natural person whose data is processed by adoradeko as an operator, such as subscribers, potential customers or visitors to the site

Privacy Policy / Policy

represents the informative note that includes the provisions described in this document and is complemented by the Terms and Conditions of the Site, as well as the Cookies Policy and can also be identified as the Data Protection Policy

Cookies policy

is the provision of information about the "cookie" files that our Site collects, as well as the communication of the purposes for which they are used and complements this Policy, as well as the Terms and Conditions of the Site


means any operation or set of operations performed on personal data or sets of personal data, with or without the use of automated means, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, broadcast or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, deletion or destruction

Adoradeko / we / nine / our

Le informamos que la titularidad del dominio y titular de nuestra tienda virtual,, corresponde a Vidican George authorized person PFA, Romanian legal entity, with registered office in Oradea, Str. Aviatorilor, Nr.42 registered in the Commercial Register under no. F05/150/2020, with CUI 42234678, email:

GDPR / GDPR Regulation

represents Regulation (EU) 2016/679 adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of these data and which repeals Directive 95/46/CE, also known as the General Data Protection Regulation

Our website / website

means the website, any section and subsection thereof, as well as the social media profiles/pages associated with Adoradeko, including, but not limited to, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube

Terms and Conditions

represents the provision of information regarding the use of our website, the relationship with Adoradeko, the collaboration and the agreements entered into between you and Adoradeko as a result of accessing the website and obtaining the products provided, as well as the conditions that apply to the legal relations that arise between the parties, even through subsequent agreements here


represents any person who visits, views or accesses the Site

  1. The operator of personal data 

We inform you that the ownership of the domain and owner of our virtual store,, corresponds to Vidican George, an authorized person PFA, a Romanian legal entity, with registered office in Oradea, Str. Aviatorilor, Nr.42 registered in the Commercial Registry with the no. F05/150/2020, with CUI 42234678, email:

As personal data controller, Adoradeko is responsible for the processing of personal data belonging to it that it collects directly or from other sources. We specify that to guarantee the protection and safe treatment of your data, Adoradeko has made every effort to implement reasonable and appropriate technical and organizational measures.

  1. Data Protection Officer (DPO)

Adoradeko has no legal obligation to designate a personal data protection officer. Consequently, any request in relation to your personal data should be directed to the aforementioned contact information.

If you have any concern, question, observation or complaint regarding this Policy or the use of the personal data we process, or wish to exercise any of your rights, you can always send us your request to the email contact@adoradeko. com.

  1. What are your personal data that we process?


Depending on the products and features you wish to access or purchase, we may need to collect, use, store and/or transfer certain personal data.

Your personal data that will be processed are the following:
  • identification data, such as first and last name, username, date of birth, gender, country, etc.;
  • contacts, such as home address, billing address, email address, phone number;
  • Financial and commercial data, such as information related to payments or the card or bank account, bank card data, information about products purchased, details about payments to and from the person concerned;
  • technical data, such as Internet Protocol (IP) address, login data, browser type and version, location and time zone settings, browser plug-ins and their versions, operating system, operating platform and other technologies on the devices that used to access this Site and user account;
  • profile data, such as username, password, orders placed, history of products purchased, answers given to various questions or surveys;
  • statistical and marketing data, such as information about the use of the Site and the products provided, preferences regarding the receipt of marketing materials and preferred means of communication;
  • aggregate information, such as the collection, use, and sharing of certain statistical or demographic data. Aggregated Data may be derived from Personal Data, but it is not considered "Personal Data" within the meaning of the law, as this information does not directly or indirectly reveal your identity. In the rare situation where aggregated data is combined or correlated with personal data in such a way that direct or indirect identification is possible, Adoradeko will treat the resulting combined data as personal data, which will be used in the manner described in this Policy. 


In the event that you do not wish to provide us with information regarding your personal data, we draw your attention to the possibility that you may not be able to access certain functions, purchase the planned products, subscribe, create and/or access your account. of the user, we may not be able to enter into necessary contracts or collaborations later or we may not be able to respond to your requests.

Adoradeko may retain personal data of data subjects both as a result of direct interaction and by obtaining it indirectly or through technology.

For example, Adoradeko will receive personal data about you in the following situations:
  • sorting out;
  • create a user account;
  • subscription newsletter;
  • send an email or a private message on social networks;
  • commenting on social platforms, tagging us in posts or sharing our content.
  1. Principles relating to data processing

Adoradeko undertakes to comply with the personal data protection principles set forth in the GDPR, to guarantee that all data is:

  • processed fairly, legally and transparently;
  • collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes;
  • adequate, pertinent and limited in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
  • correct and up-to-date;
  • kept in such a way that they do not allow the identification of the interested parties for longer than necessary in relation to the purpose of the treatment;
  • processed in accordance with the rights of the data owner, in a way that guarantees adequate security of processing, so that the data is intact, confidential and available.
  1. Legal basis and purposes of the processing of personal data
  • According to art. 6 para. (1) power on. b) of the GDPR, personal data may be processed for the purpose of entering into or executing the contract. In order to offer you our products or to enter into possible subsequent collaboration contracts, we need to process personal data that belongs to you, such as name, surname, email address, address or residence, personal numeric code, serial and bulletin number or identity card.
  • According to art. 6 para. (1) power on. c) of the GDPR, personal data may be processed in order to comply with legal obligations, including those of a fiscal nature. In order to comply with certain obligations imposed by the tax authorities in relation to invoicing, the reimbursement of certain amounts, the payment of marketing affiliation commissions or the communication of certain information to the authorities, Adoradeko may request and process a series of data of a personal nature, such as name, surname, address or residence, personal numerical code, series and bulletin number or identity card.
  • According to art. 6 para. (1) power on. a) of the GDPR, personal data may be processed if the interested party has given their consent to the processing of their personal data for one or more specific purposes.
  • Adoradeko relies on consent for direct marketing purposes only, in which case it is expressly requested. As such, in certain cases, personal data will be used for the purpose of a) the possible transmission of newsletters or other marketing, information or commercial messages; b) possible participation in various contests or promotions.
  • According to art. 6 para. (1) power on. f) of the GDPR, personal data may be processed for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by the operator or a third party to carry out the purpose of the activity. Such a situation will also take into account the analysis of your interest, as well as the fact that fundamental rights and freedoms are not affected. The legitimate interest can be represented by Adoradeko, Vidican George PFA guarantee of a correct functionality of the Site, as well as a permanent improvement of the experience of the visitors of the Site. 

Process the form to buy a product from the main page of the Site or from the "Shop" section and process the form to access the free eBook

Adoradeko will use the information you provide in the applicable section to place a purchase order for a product or in the applicable section to obtain a free e-book, available on the site, solely for the purpose of processing your request.

By providing any personal data through the website, you understand and accept that your data will be treated in accordance with the provisions of this Data Protection Policy owned by Adoradeko.

Adoradeko undertakes not to process the personal data provided for a purpose other than that for which they were transmitted, unless it is reasonably necessary to use them for another purpose, compatible with that of the initial processing or if it is your express consent to use them for other purposes.

Processing for billing purposes:

Adoradeko will use the information that you provide us in the section of placing an order for the purchase and payment of the desired product or by sending a subsequent message or e-mail through which you communicate the data to the paying company, the data being used personal information provided exclusively for the purpose of processing your request and sending you the invoice for the product purchased.

Payment processor:

To implement payments on our website, Adoradeko uses third-party payment processing providers. In connection with payment processing in this context, we do not process or retain any personal data or information such as credit/debit card details with which payment is made. This information will be provided directly by you to the payment processor Netopia Payments or through your Paypal account, and the use of this data is governed by the data protection policies of the providers, which can be found here and here.

Processing for the purpose of registering as a User:

To access the digital products "Game Changer Video Course" and "Smart Money - online academy subscription", it is necessary for the User to create an account. In this situation, Adoradeko will use the information you provide in the relevant account creation and login section, such as contact details and identification details, to register you as a User and subsequently allow you access to the account.

As a User, you have the possibility to request the deletion of the account and the personal data processed by sending a request to Adoradeko, through the agreed and presented communication methods.

Processing for the purpose of sending the Newsletter:


If you have given your consent to subscribe to the Adoradeko newsletter, we specify that your personal data will be collected, processed and used to send you various information about our area of activity, information about possible campaigns and/or marketing messages. .

We mention that Adoradeko reserves the right to select the subscribers to whom it will send newsletters, as well as the right to remove from the database any member who has previously expressed their consent. The exercise of these rights may be carried out without any other commitment on the part of Adoradeko and without prior notification in this regard.

Treatment to respond to requests:

In the event that you contact us by sending a request, notification, question or message of any kind, Adoradeko will collect and process the personal data that you have communicated and may request the provision of additional personal data, in order to to respond to the request addressed and to solve the eventual situation or problem exposed.

By contacting Adoradeko through any of the means provided, through mediated or direct communications, including through the use of social platforms, you understand and express your consent for your personal data to be processed in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Policy.

Processing for the purpose of resolving legal requests:

Adoradeko may collect, process and transmit information about your personal data to regulatory authorities, law enforcement officials or other entities, in the following situations:

  • in response to a request of a legal nature, when it can be considered, in good faith, that the law requires this fact;
  • when deemed necessary in good faith to detect, prevent, and respond to fraud, unauthorized or improper use of any material owned by us, any violation of our terms and conditions or policies, or other harmful or illegal, to protect us (including our rights, property or materials), you and/or others, including as part of investigations or inquiries initiated by regulatory authorities.

Information about the personal data we receive from or about you may be accessed, processed and stored for a longer period of time, in the situation where they are the subject of a legal request or legal obligation, government investigation or other of investigations about possible violations of our terms and conditions or policies or in other cases to prevent possible damages.

  1. Disclosure of personal data to third parties


Personal data processed through the Adoradeko Site may be disclosed and/or transferred to third parties only in the situation where there is your express consent to do so, except in situations where there is a legal/contractual obligation for adoradeko to do so. .

By way of example, adoradeko may provide personal data to various bodies of the judicial system, such as prosecutors, police, courts or other competent state bodies, based on and within the limits of legal provisions and upon express request.

Please note that in order to process your requests submitted when placing an order and purchasing a product or accessing the free e-books section of the Site, we may, under certain circumstances, be required to disclose your personal data. to the partners with which Adoradeko collaborates and/or other third party service providers of Adoradeko.

By way of example, Adoradeko may transmit the personal data collected to different partners, such as IT (cloud, hosting) or telecommunications service providers, advertising agencies, accounting and human resources services, integrated solution providers or legal services.

However, adoradeko has adopted the appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of the data transfer, as well as the treatment in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR of your data by the entities mentioned above.

Adoradeko guarantees, within reasonable limits, that the personal data collected will not be transmitted outside the European Economic Area. However, in the event of a transfer of data to third countries in the EEA, adoradeko will ensure that the transfers are legitimate and based on the express consent of the data subject or another legally accepted basis.

Information controlled by Adoradeko may be transferred, transmitted or stored and processed in the EEA or in countries other than your country of residence for the purposes described in this Policy. In such cases, we note that we use standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission and rely on adequacy decisions issued by the European Commission with respect to certain countries, as applicable, with respect to data transfers from the EEA to the United States and to other countries.
  1. Data processing by third parties, other websites and sponsors

The site may contain, at any given time, access links to other sites whose data processing policies may be different from those of Adoradeko.

Please consider and consult the privacy policies of the other sites, Adoradeko does not assume any responsibility for the information sent or collected by these third parties.

Also, in situations where you interact with Adoradeko through social networks, please note that other third parties may also have access to the personal data provided, such as Facebook or Instagram.

  1. Automatic data processing. Cookies

The website uses cookie identifiers.

Aspects related to the use of Cookie identifiers are governed by the Cookies Policy, which forms an integral part of and complements this Policy and the Terms and Conditions of the Site. Please read carefully the entire content of the Cookies Policy, here.

As an interested party, you have the option to exercise your right to deactivate Cookies, as indicated in the section on your rights.

  1. Data storage:
Adoradeko may keep the data processed for different periods of time, necessary to comply with the expressed purposes or that are deemed reasonable, in accordance with the aforementioned purposes.
Other legal obligations, lawsuits and/or Adoradeko investigations may also require retention of certain personal data that you have provided to us.

In general, we retain your personal data only for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which you provided it to us, to meet your needs, to respond to your requests, or to comply with our legal obligations.

At this time, we refer to the following criteria to determine the duration of data storage:
  • If you have provided us with information to obtain the products provided by Adoradeko, when placing an order, we will collect and process personal data in order to honor the order, as well as to comply with contractual and/or legal obligations. Said personal data stored in our databases will be deleted from the records within a maximum period of 5 (five) years from the date of the last order, with the exception of personal data necessary from a financial and accounting perspective, which will be processed and stored. for the period established by law.
  • If you have provided us with information to create and access your user account to access the digital products "Game Changer Video Course" and "Smart Money - Online Academy Subscription", we will collect and process personal data for the purpose of recognizing and allow access to the account. Taking into account the permanent possibility of accessing the account and viewing the video courses, granted for an unlimited time, said personal data will be processed and stored in our databases until the moment you cancel the monthly or annual subscription or until the moment you decide that you no longer wish to have the account and send us a request to delete your personal data.
  • If you have provided us with information for the conclusion of any subsequent contract or collaboration agreement, we will collect and process personal data for the purpose of entering into and performing the contract, as well as to comply with contractual and/or legal obligations. Said personal data will be processed and kept for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose of the contract and comply with the legal obligations derived from it. For example, in the case of financial-accounting vouchers, the conservation period provided by law is 10 (ten) years from the close of the financial year in which they were prepared.
  • If you have expressed your option to subscribe to the Adoradeko newsletter, we will collect and process your personal data in order to send you various information about our field of activity, information regarding possible campaigns and/or marketing messages. Said data will be processed and stored until you decide to unsubscribe, using one of the options offered for this purpose.
  • If you contact us with certain questions or requests, we will collect and process personal data to respond to your request. Said personal data will be processed and kept for the period necessary to process the request and resolve it, but not for more than 5 (five) years from the last correspondence sent.
  • In the case of the cookies used, they are stored on the computer for the time necessary to achieve the purposes they serve (for example, cookies for account login) and for a defined period in accordance with the usual rules and guidelines. . To find out more details about the use of cookies, read the Cookie Policy of our Website.
  1. The rights of the interested parties:

Data subjects have the following rights, in accordance with the GDPR, in relation to the personal data processed by Adoradeko:

  • The right of access to the data processed: you have the right to access the personal data we have. The first provision of information will be made free of charge. If you require additional copies of information already provided, we may charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing the information. Manifestly unfounded, excessive or repeated requests may not receive a response.
  • The right to rectify data: you have the right to request that your data be rectified if it is inaccurate or out of date and/or complete if it is incomplete.
  • Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten"): In certain circumstances, you have the right to obtain the erasure or destruction of your data. This is not an absolute right, as sometimes we may need to retain your data for legal or legal reasons.
  • The right to limitation of treatment: you have the right to request the limitation of the treatment of your data. This means that the processing of your data is limited so that we can retain the data but not use or process it. This right is applied in specific circumstances provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation, namely:
  • the accuracy of the data is contested by the data subject (you), for a period that allows the operator (Adoradeko) to verify its accuracy;
  • the treatment is illegal and the interested party (you) opposes the deletion of the data and requests the limitation of its use;
  • the operator (Adoradeko) no longer needs the data for processing, but the data subject (you) requests it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims;
  • the data subject (you) has objected to processing based on legitimate grounds by the controller (Adoradeko), based on verification that the legitimate grounds of the controller (Adoradeko) prevail over those of the data subject (you) .
  • The right to data portability: You have the right to move, copy or transfer the data that interests you from our database to another. This only applies to data you have provided, where the processing is based on your consent or on the basis of a contract and is implemented by easily accessible automated means.
  • The right of opposition: you can oppose at any time the processing of your data when said processing is based on a legitimate interest.
  • The right to withdraw consent at any time: You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data where such processing is based on consent. The withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.
  • Right to file a claim with the competent control authority: You have the right to file a complaint with the data protection authority of your country of residence or domicile to challenge the data protection practices offered by Adoradeko. In Romania, this body is represented by the National Authority for the Supervision of the Processing of Personal Data (ANSPDCP), with headquarters in Bucharest, bld. G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru no. 28-30, Sector 1, postal code 010336 and has the following contact details: telephone +40.318.059.211 or +40.318.059.212, email address
  • The right to oppose the processing of your data by us when we carry out actions in the public interest or in our own legitimate interests or those of a third party: you can oppose at any time the processing of your data when such processing is based on a legitimate interest .
  • The right to object to the processing of your data for direct marketing purposes (right to unsubscribe): You have the possibility, permanently and completely, to unsubscribe from our newsletter or ask us to stop sending you marketing messages, either either by accessing the unsubscribe link included in the emails, or by sending Adoradeko an email requesting removal from the database.
  • The right to disable Cookies: You have the possibility, partially or totally, to disable cookies. Internet browser settings are usually set by default to accept cookies, but you can easily change them by going to and changing your browser settings. For more details, visit the Cookies Policy.

You can exercise any of these rights in relation to the personal data that Adoradeko processes by sending a simple request to Adoradeko, using the contact information provided. In such a situation, we may very well ask for proof of her identity.

We specify that the rights listed above are not absolute. In certain situations there may be exceptions, so each request received will be analyzed to decide if it is justified or not. If the request is justified, it will be resolved as requested. If the request is unfounded, we will reject it and, where appropriate, we will indicate the reasons for the rejection, as well as the rights that remain.

Adoradeko will take all measures to respond to requests within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days. However, in certain situations and taking into account different circumstances, this period may be extended, related to the complexity of the application, the large number of applications received, the impossibility of identifying the applicant in the optimal period of time or waiting for responses from others. organisms. .

In case you opt out of marketing messages, please note that this opt-out also does not apply to personal data that you have provided to us for another purpose, for example, when you have ordered a product from Adoradeko.

  1. Processing security:

Adoradeko has adopted technical and organizational data processing measures, updated in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR, with the aim of protecting your personal data against any action of unauthorized access, improper use or disclosure, unauthorized modification, destruction or accidental loss. . All Adoradeko employees and collaborators, as well as any third party acting in the name and on behalf of Adoradeko, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your information, in accordance with the provisions of this Data Protection Policy.

In order to guarantee the protection offered in relation to the personal data we process, Adoradeko has implemented measures such as the adoption of specific policies for data processing and the protection of systems against possible unauthorized access, has proceeded to minimize and limit the data of those who treat them, proceeded to restrict access to the processed data, used technologies to guarantee data security and trained staff and collaborators on the applicable legislation.

However, we draw your attention to the fact that unwanted events can also occur, which can lead to various incidents or security breaches. In such situations, we will follow the security incident reporting and notification procedure and take all necessary measures to reduce the effects of the incident and return the situation to the normal state in which it was previously found.

  1. Disclaimer:

The Adoradeko site may contain links to other sites and/or other web pages that are not owned by Adoradeko. Adoradeko assumes no responsibility for the content of these sites and is therefore not responsible for the content, advertising, goods, services, software, information or other materials available on or through these sites. . Adoradeko will not be responsible for the loss of personal data, for the negative effects on the personal data of visitors, or for other moral and/or patrimonial damages caused by accessing said sites.

As such, Adoradeko encourages and advises you to read and familiarize yourself with the existing Privacy Policies of any website and/or application you access before providing any personal data.

  1. Updating of the Personal Data Protection and Processing Policy:

Please note that this Policy may be subject to periodic content changes, upon updating the Adoradeko Site. Therefore, it is necessary to check this page for any updates.

Please do not continue to use the Adoradeko Site if you do not agree to any such changes.

The terms of this Policy are construed in accordance with applicable law.